Salt-Free Softeners For Healthier, Environmentally Friendly Softening

Salt-Free Softeners For Healthier, Environmentally Friendly Softening

Published by NuvoH2O on 22nd Sep 2020

At NuvoH2O®, there are few things we believe in more than the benefits of having soft water in your home, one of which is the idea that your soft water shouldn’t put the health of you, your family, and your community at risk. It may sound a little extreme, but this is the case with many traditional water softeners that use salt to replace the calcium or other hard water minerals in your water. Luckily, NuvoH2O has a salt-free option that has all the benefits of a traditional softening system and none of the drawbacks.

Our NuvoH2O saltless water softening system uses our CitraCharge® formula to bind with hard water minerals using natural citrus to bind with the calcium, magnesium, and other hard water minerals in your water. This leaves the minerals in your water, but takes away their ability to stick to surfaces. The fact that we’re leaving the water’s natural minerals and not exchanging them with anything else prevents many potential downfalls associated with sodium softeners.

What You Save Yourself From With A Saltless Softening System

At first, the only thing there seemed to be to complain about with softening systems that use salt is that they required the occasional purchasing and adding of salt to keep them running as they’re supposed to, but we’ve seen many indications at this point that adding sodium to your water has a variety of other downsides.

Reduced Dietary Benefits of Hard Water

The thing about hard water is that it is a double-edged sword in terms of its viability to modern-day humans. There’s technically nothing wrong with hard water; it’s natural, and the minerals in it likely served as a vital resource for earlier humans as well as the area’s wildlife. Those minerals haven’t lost their usefulness to us just because we’ve installed plumbing. The beauty of the NuvoH2O saltless water softening system is that you get to keep all of the benefits of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals. If you remove them from your water, you could feel the effects of not supplementing them afterward.

Effects of High Blood Pressure

It might seem like a logical conclusion to many of us now, knowing what we know about how salt affects our hearts and blood pressure, but it still has to be pointed out that using a water softening system that injects large amounts of salt into your water. So for people who already need to be on low sodium diets or who are in danger of getting there, water softening systems that use salt aren’t ideal. Because a significant amount of salt is added to your water for every grain-per-gallon that your water softener removes, it means those with the hardest water will see the greatest potential harm from water softening. A saltless system is the natural choice if you want to benefit your life and not put it in harm’s way.

An Added Burden on Community Water

Salt-based water softeners can have a hugely negative effect on community water systems because of the high rate of exchange between salt and the minerals in the water (2:1). This is simply too high of a concentration for most wastewater treatment plants, especially in the rural areas that hard water affects the most. What this means is a gradual breakdown of the community wastewater treatment center. The sodium and chloride content can then start to affect the community's natural groundwater and destroy the ability to reuse the water in farming and other activities. Chloride is one considered by some to be the biggest contaminate affecting the world’s water supply. This has caused some areas to ban them completely. Using a salt-free system instead of a salt-based water softener for your home is simply the right thing to do if you care about your community’s water.

Order Your Safe, Salt-Free Water Softener

While the first water softeners were certainly a blessing, like most inventions, we’ve found a more efficient and less harmful way to complete the process thanks to modern science. Do the right thing to address your hard water problems, and trust NuvoH2O and our salt-free water softeners for your home. Visit our website today to learn more about our process and to purchase your NuvoH2O system!