The Impact of Hard Water on Plumbing Fixtures

The Impact of Hard Water on Plumbing Fixtures

15th Feb 2023

Hard water is a problem that affects many households. It can cause significant damage to plumbing fixtures, such as faucets, shower heads, and more. As a plumber, you understand the importance of helping customers protect their plumbing fixtures from the damage caused by hard water. Installing a citric acid or salt-free whole home water softener can help your customers protect their plumbing fixtures and save money in the long run. In this blog post, our team at NuvoH2O is here to explain the effects of hard water on plumbing fixtures and how our citric acid or salt-free, whole-home water softeners can help. Learn more and get in touch with us to purchase your water softeners!

What Causes Damage?

First, let’s talk about what exactly is causing the damage to your customers’ plumbing fixtures: magnesium and calcium deposits. These mineral deposits are created when hard water comes into contact with heat from hot water. As the water evaporates, the minerals are left behind and build up over time on plumbing fixtures, creating buildup and blocking water flow.

Effects of Hard Water on Plumbing Fixtures

Hard water can cause a range of issues when it comes to plumbing fixtures. First and foremost is a decrease in water pressure. This is because the buildup of minerals on plumbing fixtures can block water flow. This can be especially problematic for shower heads and faucets, as it can make them unusable after a certain amount of time. 

In addition to decreased water pressure, hard water also causes other issues with plumbing fixtures. Over time, magnesium and calcium deposits create a layer of white scale that builds up on plumbing fixtures. This layer makes them look unattractive and can be hard to remove without professional help. 

Another issue caused by hard water is corrosion. When the minerals in hard water come into contact with metal plumbing fixtures, they can cause corrosion and rusting over time, leading to more costly repairs.

The Solution: Installing a Whole Home Water Softener

Installing a citric acid or salt-free whole-home water softener is the best way to protect plumbing fixtures from hard water damage. This type of system is salt-free and works by using a chelant to bind to calcium and magnesium ions, preventing them from depositing onto plumbing fixtures. This helps to maintain water flow and reduce mineral buildup over time, without removing minerals in water that are beneficial. 

Our citric acid or salt-free whole home water softeners are the perfect solution for customers who want to protect their plumbing fixtures. They help eliminate damage caused by hard water and can even save customers money in the long run.

How to Find the Right Water Softener for Your Customers

As a plumber, you can help your customers find the right citric acid or salt-free whole home water softener for their needs. Our team at NuvoH2O is here to answer any questions and provide all the information you need to get started. We offer a wide range of products that are tailored to meet your specific needs and budget. 

The damage caused by hard water is real and can be costly for your customers if left untreated. Installing a citric acid or salt-free, whole-home water softener is the best way to protect plumbing fixtures from hard water damage and save your customers money in the long run. 

At NuvoH2O, we have the citric acid or salt-free whole home water softeners you need to help your customers protect their plumbing fixtures. Get in touch with us today to learn more and purchase your water softener!

Purchase Whole-Home Water Softeners