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Water Softener Removal Rebate Programs

Water softener removal rebate programs are a great way to save money on water softening systems while also protecting the environment. By switching to salt-free alternatives like NuvoH2O, you can not only qualify for a rebate but also enjoy healthier water with fewer harsh chemicals and pollutants. Our team at NuvoH2O will be happy to discuss with you the possibility of a water softener removal rebate program in your area. Learn more about water efficiency rebate programs and get in touch with our team for salt-free water softeners today!


Water softeners are an important water-saving device, but many cities and water districts across the country offer water efficiency rebate programs to encourage customers to switch to salt-free water softeners instead. These programs can help you save money on water-softening systems while protecting the environment with fewer harsh chemicals and pollutants. These rebates often take the form of a cash reimbursement, where you receive money back after purchasing your water softener. If you're interested in learning more, our team at NuvoH2O is here to help! 

a person using a wrench on a salt based water softener
a woman watering plants outside


Water softener removal rebate programs provide a number of benefits, both financial and environmental. By switching to salt-free water softening systems, you can reduce water waste and conserve energy, which helps protect the environment. Additionally, water-softening systems that rely on salt can be harmful to water bodies, so switching to a salt-free water softener can help protect local water sources from contamination. Finally, water efficiency rebate programs are often more cost-effective than traditional water-softening systems, as they provide cash reimbursement for switching to salt-free alternatives. Get started today with NuvoH2O!


To be eligible for water softener removal rebate programs, you need to first determine if the water district in your city offers them. You will likely need to provide proof of water softener ownership or installation before a rebate can be issued. Depending on where you live, water efficiency rebate programs may also require water conservation certification or water testing before being approved. Our team at NuvoH2O will be happy to help you determine if water softener removal rebate programs are available in your area.

a man unboxing the Nuvoh2o system
a family drinking strawberry water next to a nuvoh2o system


NuvoH2O water softener systems don’t require salt, so you're not only saving water with your water-softening system but also protecting the environment by reducing the number of harsh chemicals and pollutants in your water. NuvoH2O water softeners provide water-saving water-softening solutions that are cost-effective and eco-friendly, so you can be confident in your water-softening system choice. Additionally, rather than removing minerals from your water, the citric acid in our whole home water softeners bind to the minerals that cause hard water and scale in your pipes, keeping them occupied so they're unable to attach to surfaces. 

Water softener removal rebate programs are an excellent way to save money on water softening systems while remaining eco-friendly and protecting the environment. Call our team at NuvoH2O  today to discuss water efficiency rebate programs and find out which salt-free water softeners are right for you! Our water softener systems are cost-effective, water-saving solutions that don’t require harsh chemicals. With NuvoH2O water softeners, you can get the water quality you desire while still being eco-friendly and taking advantage of water efficiency rebate programs in your area. Get started now!