What Can I Do to Fix a Clogged Garbage Disposal?

What Can I Do to Fix a Clogged Garbage Disposal?

23rd Jun 2023

A clogged garbage disposal can quickly disrupt your kitchen routine and create unpleasant odors in your home. Dealing with this issue promptly is essential to keep your kitchen running smoothly. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to fix a clogged garbage disposal. We will also emphasize the importance of having a salt-free water softener, such as NuvoH2O, installed in your home to prevent clogs and extend the life of your plumbing system. We offer a range of water softeners to provide households with softer, higher-quality water.

Learn more and get in touch with our team at NuvoH2O to find your whole-home water softener today! We can help you find the right water-softening solution for your specific needs.

Turn off the Power and Identify the Problem

The first step in fixing a clogged garbage disposal is to turn off the power supply. Locate the power switch or unplug the disposal to ensure your safety. Next, try to identify the cause of the clog. It could be food particles, solid waste, or even foreign objects accidentally dropped into the disposal.

Clear the Blockage Manually

Once you have identified the source of the clog, use caution to clear it manually. Never put your hand directly into the disposal. Instead, use long-handled tongs or pliers to remove any visible objects or debris. Be sure to work slowly and avoid forcing anything down the disposal, as it may cause damage.

Unclog with Baking Soda and Vinegar

If the blockage persists, you can try using a natural solution of baking soda and vinegar. Start by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, allowing it to fizz and break down the clog. Finally, pour boiling water down the drain to flush out any remaining debris. If you’re unable to fix your garbage disposal on your own, be sure to reach out to a professional plumber.

Reset and Maintain

After successfully unclogging the garbage disposal, it's important to reset and maintain it for optimal performance. Locate the reset button on the bottom or side of the disposal and press it to restart the unit. Moving forward, be mindful of what you put down the disposal and avoid disposing of non-food items or hard-to-grind substances.

Prevent Issues With a Whole-Home Water Softener

Dealing with a clogged garbage disposal can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can resolve the issue effectively. Additionally, installing a salt-free water softener is essential to prevent clogs and extend the life of your plumbing system. Salt-free water softeners reduce limescale buildup which can cause major issues with your pipes and garbage disposal in the long run. Investing in good-quality water filtration can help you avoid costly repairs and enjoy hassle-free plumbing for years to come.

At NuvoH2O, we understand the importance of having a salt-free water softener installed in your home. Our systems are designed to reduce limescale buildup while preserving the minerals that are beneficial to your health. For added convenience, our systems are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. With NuvoH2O, you can be sure that your plumbing system is protected from clogs and running smoothly. Reach out to our team to learn more about our whole-home water softeners or purchase yours today!